Carl Lewis Noe was my dad. He was a work of art… original, universally appealing and morally uplifting.

The Appalachian mountains of Harlan Kentucky where my father’s family is from. I still have family there including a cousin, Carl Otis Noe.

8 Responses

  1. I love your description of Granddaddy Carl…”original, universally appealing and morally uplifting”. Very well said!

  2. Carl,
    Such beautiful words chosen to express the persona of your Father.
    I felt as if I knew him, but then I realized I was thinking of the same uniqueness of his son.
    I am sorry for your loss. Yet, there is a feeling left behind that his Spirit now soars above the beauty of the singing Appalachians.
    Blessings to your heart as you find your way through pathway through the trails of grief.
    Carol Simmons White

  3. A very nice tribute!
    Was it his birthday recently? Anything in particular that prompted you to post this at this time?

    1. Laurie,

      I posted at this (that) time because Ed Carter is teaching me to use WordPress and I wanted my first post to serve as a reminder. I’m still new to this.

      No, it’s not his birthday yet, just a tribute.

      Thanks for writing!

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